
ORAC Europe BV, established in January 2007, is a spin-off company of Utrecht University. It was founded as market-driven reaction on the increasing demands for scientific solutions concerning antioxidant matters by customers of PhytoGeniX BV.

This organization, founded by Dr. van den Berg and Dr. Beukelman in April 2000, is dedicated to the research and development of phytomedicines and phytogenic drugs. Although initially performing antioxidant assays, PhytoGeniX soon became too diverted from its core business by the increasing demands concerning antioxidant research. Therefore, after thorough exploration of the market, it was decided to found a separate, specialized company fully dedicated to antioxidant science. Thanks to already existing expertise and network, this resulted in launching ORAC Europe BV. With a large and quickly expanding European market as target, ORAC Europe provides a variety of services in the field of antioxidant science and also pursuits to further unravel the complex mechanisms of action of antioxidants.